Vaneltix Pipeline Represents Best In-Class Treatments for Urologic Disorders

Phase I
Phase II
Phase III
Relief of painful symptoms of IC/BPS
diagnostic claim
Fast diagnosis of pelvic pain originating from the bladder
VNX002 Biologic
Anabolic therapy for promoting regeneration of damaged urothelium
VNX003 Oral
Improved formulation of current IC/BPS drug Elmiron
VNX004 Topical
Enhanced topical pain relief
Relief of painful symptoms of IC/BPS
Fast diagnosis of pelvic pain originating from the bladder
Anabolic therapy for promoting regeneration of damaged urothelium
Improved formulation of current IC/BPS drug Elmiron
Enhanced topical pain relief
Novel treatment for healing and regeneration of damaged bladder epithelium.
Anabolic biologic therapy for stimulating growth of bladder epithelium treating hemorrhagic cystitis resulting from physical trauma, radiation and chemotherapy for cancer, and severe forms of interstitial cystitis and Hunner’s lesions.
Improved oral formulation of pentosan polysulfate (Elmiron).
An improved oral formulation with better absorption and targeting of the bladder will overcome limitations of current marketed products. VNX003 will require lower doses of the active ingredient overcoming GI discomfort and the potential for targeting delivery to the bladder will reduce systemic exposure and associated possible side effects.
Vaneltix has shown that alkalinized lidocaine can provide enhanced pain relief over traditional lidocaine formulations.
VNX004 uses the technology and intellectual property that makes Alenura an improved anesthetic formulation for the treatment of bladder pain and incorporates it into novel topical dosage forms for new indications.